This is just such a huge fail of a website. How is this thing still up, how are they not gone by now? They guarantee up to 375% faster internet and computer connections, when WHAT? That is not possible, what you buy from your Internet Service Provider is what you get!

It's COMPLETELY impossible to be able to have dial up with 56/k connections be 375% faster and "magically" become broadband. They also say it will clean your registry errors, but how? I have watched tons of peoples call them and ask what it does, and how it does it. There are only 2-3 answers they get back.

"Finally Fast is a computer internet enhancer which changed your internet settings to be 375% faster" is usually what you will get. Here is my question, HOW? What do they mean settings, as in going to internet explorer, clicking tools, then settings? Usually they will reply "Yes, by adjusting your settings" but he just took a step backwards having yourself asking the same question. WHAT SETTINGS!? They will never give you a clear out answer, because the customer support themselves, have NO clue at all how to do this.

Go check it out on youtube, it's a joke. You pay 50 bucks, for a piece of trash that says you have 300+ viruses when you actually have like 0. See, they real in the non technical people by giving them the "free performance test" which says there computer is in terrible shape, which is could really be in great shape. The consumers are then convinced to buy it so they can save there computer. On a last note, anyone who is technical knows that only a PC can have the "Blue Screen Of Death" which is when a blue screen pops up saying a bunch of errors. Well on the commercial, she is on a Macbook and get the BSOD.

Overall, its a huge piece of junk. Anyone with a brain can tell this is a complete joke.

That's all for now,


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