To everyone who has noticed recently, I haven't been making a lot of tutorials. Well, I completely forgot about the second part of my farmville money making guide.. so here it is!

Now what I am going to be recommending, is that you read the first part before reading this. It will help, A LOT. So what we are going to be doing, is making MORE pages, fake websites, using ads for the sites, and even earning revenue over all of it.

Making More Pages--

Well we made one page right? Well by now, if you did everything correctly.. you should starting to earn yourself at least $1-$5 a day. Overtime, after I finish all of these tutorials, and you accomplish them all. You will be earning WAY more than that. Are overall story is FANS. You NEED fans on your page to make this happen, suggest the page to everyone! Sense you had to suggest 30 or whatever you chose friends to get "verified" for the cheats, if you suggest it to friends, they will start suggesting it to everyone they know hopefully! Well here my friend, is where things start going off the charts. Use the tactics in part 1, just twist them a little to your liking to make more pages. I recommend 5+ pages. Make them the exact same thing, you don't really even need to have separate content for each, just don't post the same word to word things. Use different images also if possible. Use sharecash links only in these pages also, just make your sharecash links into links. As said, the more the merrier.

Fake Websites---

If you finally get all of your pages created, and start getting more fans and such you will love this tactic. For each page, we will need to make a separate website for them. Use something like webs, and use a BLANK template. Make sure it doesn't have a template, this will work good. I recommend webs, weebly, or something with a blank template in there template gallery. Name the site something that won't be taken but will relate to the farmville page. ( or something like that. Make it sound real but something that wouldn't be taken either. Mask it as tinyurl, and make it a custom tinyurl such as or something. Now make the title "Verification Not Complete" then add a chunk of text on the main site that says something like "Content Error 3838229: Verification Not Complete" or something of that sort. This makes it look professional, once again. Make sure each website isn't word to word the same as people will catch on. This is all we will need for now. This tactic, is basically trying to make you stand out from other people, making you look legit, and will be used in the next few tactics for big time $$$! Moving on :)

Placing Ads:

Now, this is an important tactic. This can start making you serious money, I am completely serious. You have what, at least 5 websites set up and have traffic streaming in. What can you do to make your earnings spike to the sky? *ADS* *ADS* *ADS* *ADS*  That is completely right. With all the traffic you should be getting, to all of these websites after a while, this is a tactic that is pretty much fool proof. If you already have an account as an advertiser, (google adsense) for an example. Don't worry about this next step. We are going to be wanting to create an account as an advertiser somewhere. For this tutorial I highly reccomend Google Adsense. Go there, and create an account. MAKE SURE YOUR INFO IS CORRECT. Yes you do have to be excepted but its easy to be. Usually in under a day or two.

*Google Adsense*

Once you have your account set up and ready to go, we are going to want to create some ads for these websites. Go to the "Manage Ads" section on your google ads account and create an ad. I highly recommend image ads only as this will help. As for the size of them, just make them fit your site. Don't know how to create an ad? Google is your friend : ) PS: Will make a future tutorial. Now once you get to the page which gives you your site code, go place it somewhere on your site. If you are using webs, it has an area for HTML in the content boxs. It also has an adsense help in the FAQ. For other sites, I don't have as much experience. You will want most of these pretty small, I recommend a medium skyscraper or something of that sort. Now once there placed, WALLAH! Just wait, and the dough will start rolling into your adsense account. Your earnings will start boosting every day, and at the end of the month google will send a check to your house if you have made a minimum of $100 a month which will be easy in your case. Remember, place ads on all of your sites!

So lets review, now you are streaming income from two sites, and a sure heck lot of income soon. The next part, will start streaming you income off facebook and farmville off of two other sites.

Well thanks for checking out part 2,  part 3 is another section of tutorials on how to use farmville and facebook to make a TON of money. Thanks again,



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