Yes, you read that right. How can you run a virus, or program filled with viruses, but get no viruses? No, I don't mean anti-virus or anything of that nature. You can simply run programs as you would normally on your computer without the hassle of viruses! It's pretty much your very own virtual hard-drive inside your computer, but it's extremely easy to use and doesn't take up any partion or portion of your HDD.

So.. how do you do all this? My answer to your question is SANDBOXIE! No, don't go run around and jump in your sandbox. That will do nothing in the attempt to eliminate any viruses nor programs WITH a virus. Sandboxie is a program, that you can run other programs inside of and it keeps all the program data and such inside your "sandbox" which you can create new ones also.

So think of it as you are the virus, you are diseased, and you play in a real life sandbox. Well, once you jump in that sandbox, you infect the sandbox. However, the other boy (computer user in this case) still plays in the sandbox also. Sense the "infection" is in the sandbox, it doesn't travel outside of the sandbox, once the boy (computer user) is done playing in the sandbox, he hires a crew to destroy the sandbox, and all the infection is gone. Leaving the boy *cough* computer user *cough* in a completely not-infected (virus free) environment (Hard-Drive/Operating System)

That is a real life example of how sandboxie works. You may infect the Sandboxie, but it doesn't do anything to your computer, or change how the programs inside the sandbox run. Cool huh! Once you are done with it, you can delete that sandbox, or just clear the data inside, then your fresh and clean. Now you are ready to start a whole new sand-box!

So here is how it works,

1. Go download sandboxie.


2. Once downloaded and installed, go and open it up. You should see something that says "Default Sandbox" or something of that nature.

3. Right click it, and you can see a lot of options. From now on, you can run web-browsers, anything, inside this "sandbox"!

4. There are detailed instructions on the site, and I will soon be posting a more in-depth tutorial on how to use this to your full extent PLUS how to even make $$$ off it. That's right, you can make cold hard cash!

Well, that's all for now. Thanks for reading!


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